1-1 Online Tuition
Tutors based IN Gaza, palestine
Pay wHat you can afford

Learn the basics of one of the most widely spoken and beautiful languages in the world: Arabic.
Throughout this 1-1 classes (10 sessions of 1 hour) you will learn Arabic directly from tutors living in Gaza, Palestine. They will teach Levantine Arabic, a language spoken by millions of people throughout the Arab world and the rest of the globe.
Why Gaza? The unemployment rate in Gaza is 44%. For young people, it is over 60%. We want to link excellent teachers in Gaza to students across the world to not only provide jobs, but also learn about Palestine, its history and most importantly its language. Being taught from Gaza, you will be learning Arabic within the context of the Palestinian struggle for freedom, forging links which we hope will further the internationalist solidarity movement.
The Arabic courses are coordinated by Karama, a highly experienced teacher living in Gaza. She has tutored international NGO workers for a number of years.
The Learning Co-op offers an interactive online opportunity through diverse virtual engagement methods. All the courses at The Learning Co-op are based on a pay what you can afford model. We break down our prices into 5 bands based on how much you earn each year. The basic premise is simple: the more money you have the more you pay, enabling everyone to access brilliant tuition at an affordable price.