Gaeilge ón mbun aníos //Irish from Below
beginners 1
bEGINNERS 1- 10 week course
every Tuesday at 8:00 pm irish time
Start Date: 8th november 2022
with a break on december 27th
max. 10 students

This is a 10-session online course in the Irish language. Irish is a Celtic language mainly spoken in Ireland, but it shares linguistic links with other Celtic languages and has close links to Scotland and the Isle of Man.
Due to a variety of wide-ranging factors, in particular colonialism, economic isolation and state neglect, Irish suffered a rapid decline in the 19th and 20th century and English became the most commonly used language in Ireland.
Modern times have seen a revival led by various people and groups across and beyond the island. Irish is still the everyday language in the Gaeltacht areas in Ireland, and many people are learning the language across the worldwide Irish diaspora. However, these communities still face major threats to their survival in a world dominated by English.
This 10-week course is aimed at anyone with an interest in Irish and other minority and indigenous languages. The course will aim to:
To provide an introduction to Irish vocabulary, basic phrases and history.
To enable learners to confidently hold a conversation about themselves, where they are from, where they live, their hobbies and their everyday lives.
To enable learners to write a short narrative about everyday events.
To enable learners to read simple passages and to guess the meanings of new words from clues in the context.
To provide an introduction to the cultural context of Ireland and the Irish language, as well as the causes of the decline of Irish over the past two centuries, and the major challenges the language faces today.
To help learners feel part of the broader effort to defend and strengthen a threatened minority language.
The course will be taught by Tomás Ó Loingsigh, an Irish language teacher from Dublin and a product of the Gaelscoil education system, with family ties to the Gaeltacht in Conamara and on Inis Oírr in the Aran Islands. Tomás is active in the Irish-speaking community and in the struggle to preserve and defend the language, and the communities that speak it, from slow decline in the face of the dominance of English
No prior knowledge of Irish is needed to participate in and benefit from our course.
The first session will begin on 8th November 2022 and will run over 10 sessions every Tuesday evening. Each class lasts from 8:00pm - 9:00pm (Irish time). There will be approximately 30 minutes of optional homework each week, completion of which will help you to advance in the language.
There will be a break on December 27th. The classes will resume after Christmas on January 3rd 2023.
All the courses at The Learning Cooperative are based on a pay what you can afford model. We break down our prices into 5 bands based on how much you earn each year. The idea is simple: the more money you have the more you pay, enabling everyone to access brilliant tuition at an affordable price.
Beirigí bua! and seize your chance to learn some Irish with The Learning Co-operative, as together we play our role in spreading the language throughout the world!