CLASSICAL Islamic thought
Group Online Tuition
12 weeks
sTART DATE: 21 NOVember
every monday evening (GMT)*
This course introduces philosophical thought in the Islamic world during the classical and medieval periods. It touches on logic, grammar, metaphysics, free will, sufism, epistemology, political ethics, and Muslim commentaries on Greek, European, and South Asian positions.
Classes will take an explicitly queer, feminist, anti-capitalist, and anti-racist approach, particularly as it relates to philosophies of language, exegesis, and law. Readings will be supplied on Google Drive and thinkers like Al-Kindi, Sirafi, Al-Suhrawardi, Ibn Arabi, Ibn Taymiyyah, Mulla Sadra, Avicenna, Averroes, Al-Farabi, Al-Ghazali, Ibn Tufayl, Ibn Hazm, Al-Tusi, and Ibn Khaldun will both be translated into and discussed in English. Modern thinkers like Nasr Abu Zayd and Osama Bin Laden will also frame the course. Finally, students will learn the basics of kalaam and usul ul-fiqh in the process of discussing movements like the Sufis, Salafis, Mu’tazalis, Ismai’ilis, and so on.
Classes will generally be an hour with several 90 minute sessions and structured in a loose discussion format with summaries of the readings sent out a week prior. Students are not expected to do all the readings, but they are expected to discuss at least one of the readings in depth.
The teacher is currently a PhD student in Islamic philosophy of law and has a Bachelor’s Degree in Middle Eastern Studies from Rutgers University, and a Masters of Science in Comparative Political Thought from SOAS, University of London. She is Pakistani-Canadian and grew up in a devoutly religious family of Sunni Wahhabi Muslims. She has been teaching various subjects for ten years.
*A specific time will be established taking into consideration everyone's preferences. After your booking the teacher will be in touch to discuss the best options.

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