Radical approaches
to pedagogy
Group Online Tuition (6 MAX)
4 weeks
sTART DATE: Tuesday 19 July
✏ Do you run workshops, work with community groups or teach young people?
🚩 Are you interested in radical ways of teaching and learning?
Our four-week pedagogy course might be right up your street.
On the course you'll learn about radical education in the past and present, with lots of time to think about your own teaching practice and plenty practical examples of exercises and online tools. We'll talk about teaching on Zoom and in person, and you'll have a half-hour interview before the course starts to find out what it is you want to focus on and develop the curriculum around you.
Subjects we'll likely cover include Paulo Freire and Augusto Boal's ideas about education, the US tradition of organising education, creativity and imagination in teaching, and the revolutionary potential of radical teaching practices.
The course starts on the Tuesday 19th July, and lasts for 4 weeks. from 6.30pm – 8pm BST, plus a half hour one-to-one session at the beginning and end of the course. Pricing is based on everyone paying what they can afford.
The course is taught by Amy Tait Westwell, who is a historian of political thought at St Andrews and a freelance education worker. In 2019 she ran a series of organising workshops for precarious workers, culminating in a residential summer school. In 2020 she consulted for Better than Zero on the response to Covid-19, training new organisers and providing support to the Cineworld Action Group and the Scottish Tourism Workers League. Amy set up the Sma Shot School to provide workers education online during the pandemic, and in 2021 ran the Workers Reunion project, a volunteer organising drive in retail and hospitality on the lifting of lockdown.
For more information about the course, feel free to email amywestwell@gmail.com